Prince Albert I’s painter and photographer. Louis Tinayre in Spitsbergen (1906–1907)
Published on 31 May 2022 at 09:08 - Modified the 7 June 2022 at 16:43
The exhibition “Prince Albert I’s painter and photographer. Louis Tinayre in Spitsbergen (1906–1907)”, in collaboration with the Palace Archives and the Audiovisual Institute of Monaco will be presented on the railings of the Saint-Martin Gardens. It will run from Wednesday 1 June to 19 September.
Prince Albert I of Monaco met Louis Tinayre at the Universal Exposition in Paris in 1900. Valuing his abilities as a painter and a reporter, he asked the artist to illustrate the third edition of his travel memoir “La carrière d’un navigateur” (The Career of a Navigator). From 1904 onwards, Tinayre took part in the Prince’s oceanographic expeditions and was responsible for reporting on them, both at sea and on land.