Prince Albert I commemoration committees established

Published on 2 March 2020 at 15:52 - Modified the 24 January 2022 at 20:18

The Prince Albert I Commemoration Committee and the Albert I – 2022 Executive Committee were established by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince today, at a ceremony in the Oceanographic Museum attended by the Minister of State and a number of other personalities.


Created by Sovereign Ordinance No. 7.253 of 14 December 2018, the Prince Albert I Commemoration Committee has been tasked with researching and organising scheduled events to celebrate the life and work of Prince Albert I. These events will be held between 2019, which marks 100 years since the Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM) was founded, and 2022, the centenary of the Prince’s death.

Under the chairmanship of H.E. Mr Robert Fillon, the Executive Committee** will work to implement the programme and stage the events. It will hold its first meeting tomorrow. Stakeholders of different types will be involved in bringing to fruition projects of every kind aimed at a very wide range of audiences.

In his speech, H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince stated: “I have no doubt that a successful celebration of the work of Prince Albert I must necessarily reflect the nature of that work: varied in both form and content. Such a celebration must speak to a range of audiences: the academic world, those with an interest in the history of science, international relations and the pacifist movement, and anyone who is interested in the Principality in one way or another, not to mention students and pupils in our own schools. Naturally, I expect that they will draw on the latest techniques for producing and sharing information, without neglecting traditional media where these are the best tools for the job.”


See the video on Monaco Info.