Lecture by Vincent Duclert, on 19 October
Published on 6 October 2020 at 15:23 - Modified the 7 February 2022 at 18:01
As part of a day of events to launch the commemorations at Lycée Albert I, historian Vincent Duclert will give a lecture on the Dreyfus Affair (at 3 pm for Lycée pupils, and then again at 5.45 pm).
The Dreyfus Affair continues to be relevant today, as illustrated by Roman Polanski’s recent film. Mr Vincent Duclert, associate professor at Sciences Po and researcher at the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), will give a lecture at Lycée Albert I on Monday 19 October. A historian who specialises in the Dreyfus Affair, on which he wrote his PhD thesis, focusing on the involvement of scholars, Vincent Duclert published a biography of Captain Dreyfus in 2006. He was appointed as Inspector General by the French Minister of Education, Higher Education and Research on 30 May 2016, to head a national review of research and teaching on genocides and mass crimes.