Award ceremony for Albert I medals
Published on 25 November 2021 at 09:15 - Modified the 7 February 2022 at 18:22
Prince Albert I encouraged people to “promote, love and protect the oceans.” True to the message of its founder, the Institute of Oceanography acts in a number of different ways. One of these involves honouring inspiring personalities in the field of ocean conservation.
To this end, the Albert I Medal was established by Nicolas Bendall Manley in 1948, the centenary of the birth of the Prince, who was passionate about science and a patron of various learned organisations, particularly those connected with oceanography.
Today, the winners, whether French or representing other nationalities, are divided into two categories. The Science category shines a spotlight on a highly qualified researcher in the field of oceanography, recognising their entire career, a specific piece of work or an exceptional discovery. The Public Engagement category, established in 2014, highlights the actions taken by people working in public life. The Dissertation Prize recognises young researchers who will advance our understanding of the ocean.
As the 2020 ceremony was cancelled due to health restrictions, the 2020 and 2021 winners all received their Albert I Medals on Monday 22 November at the Maison de l’Océan in Paris.
Organised by the Institute’s Executive Director Mr Robert Calcagno and Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr Philippe Taquet, the ceremony was held at the Maison de l’Océan in Paris and attended by H.S.H. Prince Albert II.
As noted by Mr Calcagno, this ceremony, on the eve of the commemorations marking the centenary of Prince Albert I’s death, took on particular significance, all the more so since it followed a productive study day on “The oceans: our responses for the future” as part of the Henri Lacaze-Duthiers bicentennial celebrations (Sorbonne University Alliance Ocean Institute, Institute of Oceanography).
2020 winners:
- Science category: Professor Louis Legendre
- Public Engagement category: Laurent Ballesta
- Dissertation Prize: Eva Maire
2021 winners:
- Science category: Professeur Carl Folke
- Public Engagement category: Enric sala
- Dissertation Prize: Lia Siegelman