Multidisciplinary colloquium on “The careers of a Prince. Lives and lands of Albert I of Monaco (1848–1922)”.

25 September 2022

Monaco - Musée océanographique - Avenue Saint-Martin

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Comité Albert Ier-2022

Multidisciplinary colloquium, 24-25 september 2022

This international, multidisciplinary symposium in the form of round tables will bring together historians, art historians and scientists to consider both current work and new fields of research on the actions and work of Prince Albert I. It will offer an opportunity to tackle the Committee’s three areas of study: the Scholar Prince, the Humanist Prince and the Patron Prince, and will include an opening session on the questions raised by the present time. In doing so, we will be following the wishes of H.S.H. Prince Albert II: in addition to celebrating the memory of his great-great-grandfather, the Prince sees the launch of the commemorations as a chance to link the past, present and future in one research effort.

The colloquium’s proceedings will be published in a special edition of the Annales Monégasques in the fourth quarter of 2022.

The sessions will be held in the large conference hall at the Oceanographic Museum.

The session on sports is being organised in partnership with the Multimedia Library of Monaco.

There will be a cultural event on Saturday evening: Charles Berling will read extracts from La carrière d’un navigateur (The Career of a Navigator).